Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Project

The last couple of days have been dismal and rainy, and yesterday at work there was nothing to do because the bad weather usually scares even the most determined bank customers away. My coworkers and I began to talk about our families, and I began to tell stories about mine...and anybody who knows my family has an idea of what kinds of stories we can tell. Eventually I began to tell stories about my late Grandpa Campbell, who in his aging years became quite the interesting protagonist in a wealth of family stories. After laughing myself to tears upon relating some of the most memorable (his exhoration to my then-boyfriend Keaton to give him a bath, the safety pin episode, etc.) I decided that it was about time that we all pooled our memories together. So I started this second blog in hopes we can capture some of those moments.



Carma said...

I'm really excited about this. I was just thinking about what dad said Grandpa used to do. When Grandma was telling one of her stories, she'd get right to the the end, where the punch line came in, and before she could say it, Grandpa would hurry and say what the ending was (because he'd heard the stories so many times before). Grandpa would get so mad, and Grandpa would just chuckle.

You need to send us all the log in info, so we can all make posts.

Carma said...

I just figured out a way to let everyone have access to the blog. You can "invite" people to write on the blog, and then they can create their own user name and password. Just go to "permissions" in the settings section and invite everyone to join.